Worksheet: 3-1

Download the worksheet here.

Agenda: October 5 - 9

Monday, October 5

Tuesday, October 6

Wednesday, October 7

Thursday, October 8

Friday, October 9

Agenda: September 28 - October 2

Monday, September 28
Project Work

Tuesday, September 29
Project Work

Wednesday, September 30
Project Work

Thursday, October 1
Present Projects

Friday, October 2
Gilgamesh: A Play

Project Work: Fertile Crescent Civilizations

Powerpoint presentations over the Fertile Crescent civilizations will be due Thursday and Friday of this week, October 1st and 2nd.

Each slide should have:

Put all information in your own words!

Each presentation should have 1 title slide and 10 information slides.

For information slides, pick 10 of the following:
time line of 10 important dates
writing method
famous leaders
what cities were like
daily life
other (ships, weapons, etc.)

Grading: 10 points per slide. You are also graded on correct information, pictures and presentation. Deductions will be taken for no title slide, no name, no slide design.

Extra credit: create a model of one of your slides!

For your title slide, make sure you have your civilization's name, you and your partner's name, and a picture.


Good luck, everyone!

Agenda: September 21 - 25

Monday, September 21
Worksheet: 2-5

Tuesday, September 22
Quiz: Chapter 2

Wednesday, September 23
Project Work

Thursday, September 24
Unit 1 Review

Friday, September 25
Test: Unit 1

Worksheet: 2-4

Download the worksheet here.

Agenda: September 14 - 18

Monday, September 14
Worksheet: 2-2

Tuesday, September 15
Letter to the Editor

Wednesday, September 16
Worksheet: 2-3

Thursday, September 17
Worksheet: 2-4

Friday, September 18
Gilgamesh: A Play

Worksheet: 2-3

Download the worksheet here.

Assignment: Letter to the Editor

Write a letter to the Editor regarding Hammurabi's laws.

Worksheet: 2-2

Download the worksheet here.

Worksheet: 2-1

Download the worksheet here.

Agenda: September 7 - 11

Monday, September 7

Tuesday, September 8
Mapping Mesopotamia

Wednesday, September 9
Worksheet: 2-1

Thursday, September 10
Small Group Activity

Friday, September 11
Latitude and Longitude Battleship

Short Story: Oral Traditions

Write a short story, relating a story that you have been told by a relative, such as a parent, grandparent, or aunt or uncle.

Iceman: Archaeology Techniques

Write about five techniques archaeologists used to discover clues to the Iceman's life and death. Download the worksheet here.

Worksheet: 1-3

Download the worksheet here.

Agenda: August 31 - September 4

Monday, August 31
Read Short Stories

Tuesday, September 1
Civilization Poster

Wednesday, September 2
Worksheet: 1-3

Thursday, September 3
Quiz: Chapter 1

Friday, September 4
Worksheet: Latitude and Longitude

Agenda: August 24 - 28

Monday, August 24
Journal Entry

Tuesday, August 25
Worksheet: 1-1

Wednesday, August 26

Thursday, August 27
Worksheet: 1-2

Friday, August 27
Writing a Short Story: My Life as a Nomad

Civilization Poster

On your poster, include the following:
1. city life
2. government
3. workers doing different jobs
4. social classes
5. writing
6. art
7. architecture
8. religion

Short Story: My Life as a Nomad

Write a realistic story titled "My Life as a Nomad." Include each of the following:

1. Your group size (from 25 to 50 people)
2. Types of animals your group hunted
3. How did your group hunt?
4. Other foods your group gathered
5. Uses for the animals your group hunted
6. Describe your shelters
7. Describe your weapons (kinds of weapons and how were they made)

Worksheet: 1-2

Download the worksheet here.

Worksheet: 1-1

Download the worksheet here.

Iceman: Making Inferences

Download the worksheet here.

Bring these supplies to class each day:

pencil or ballpoint pen
red pen

Bring colored pencils to class on those days that we will be mapping. I'll try to let you know in advance!

These supplies will stay in the classroom in your numbered bin:

spiral notebook
notebook paper
folder with pockets